Questions and Observations from TNBS- This text is a graphic description of the final destruction by fire.
- There is a connection with creation.
- Slowness is irrelevant; time is noting. This gives pause to our being overly chronological, for example, about the "days" in Genesis. [Laura's comment: interpret the "days" in Genesis 1 in light of "and there was evening and there was morning." This is clearly chronological.]
- We do not know when he is coming--BE PREPARED.
- Peter returns to his discussion about the false prophets.
- The Paul reference included a warning about misinterpreting Scripture.
- In awe of: patience of God, the day comes as a thief, burning of the elements, and verse 17 ("You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability.").
- Intimate connection between ethics and eschatology, godly behavior and end times.
- The entire book focuses heavily on the amazing power of God and his involvement in his creation and among his people--WOW.
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